Medical Negligence (Cont.)
Medical Negligence is when a doctor or another medical professional, like a nurse or technician – takes or fails to take appropriate and timely action which results in injury or some harm to you, the patient. The medical professional’s act or failure to act (called an “omission”) may also be referred to as Medical Malpractice.
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Medical Negligence is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Heart disease and cancer being the two other leading cause of death. In 2012, over $3 billion dollars was paid out in medical malpractice suits, averaging one payout every 43 minutes.
Charleston Medical Negligence Attorney David L. Savage is not only experienced, but highly successful in fighting for your rights and requesting that the court return a just verdict to support your pain, suffering and loss, or that of your loved one. David Savage was part of the successful team of lawyers who achieved just that in a recent breast cancer misdiagnosis by the technician. You can read the full article of the $6.9 million dollar award attained for his client and her family. The basis of this claim was that radiologist misread a suspicious mammogram as benign and she went untreated.
The Savage Law Firm has the expertise and the investigators to represent you if you or a loved one has been injured or death as a result of a person or entity who caused harm. Personal Injury and Medical Negligence attorney David L. Savage has over 20 years representing those who have suffered harm. He was named as one of the Super Lawyers in 2014, and is a recognized and esteemed speaker to other personal injury attorneys on the subject.
Medical negligence occurs when a health-care provider deviates from the accepted “standard of care” in the treatment of a patient. The “standard of care” is defined as what a reasonably prudent medical provider would or would not have done under the same or similar circumstances.
If you believes you or your loved one has suffered as a result of medical malpractice and in need of highly professional representation, Contact Attorney David L. Savage to discuss your case today.